Jeremy Sarber On Life & Scripture
Jeremy Sarber

Following Jesus requires enduring to the end

Series: Following Jesus

Jesus said salvation is the end for his disciples, but what about everything before the end? He said it would require endurance.

Following Jesus requires suffering well

Series: Following Jesus

Suffering is inevitable. Following Jesus requires trusting in God’s sovereign plan and looking forward to the day when God will make all things new and remove suffering forever.

Following Jesus requires good stewardship

Series: Following Jesus

What should we do to be good stewards of our money and possessions? How do we honor and glorify God with our wealth? How do we follow Jesus with what we own?

Following Jesus requires work ethic

Series: Following Jesus

How are we supposed to feel about our occupations? How do Jesus and the gospel shape our perspective and approach to work?

Following Jesus requires making disciples

Series: Following Jesus

To follow Jesus is to be a fisher of men. It requires we love people enough to warn them about the wrath to come and share with them the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Following Jesus requires God’s will

Series: Following Jesus

How do we know the Lord’s will for us? How can we follow Jesus if we don’t know what he wants for us? What does the Bible tell us about his will?

Following Jesus requires growth

Series: Following Jesus

Following Christ is a process of growth. It’s spiritual growth, growth in our understanding, growth in our conviction, growth in our maturity, and growth in wisdom.

Following Jesus requires holiness

Series: Following Jesus

Come as you are, but don’t expect to stay that way. Justification explains how we are declared holy. Sanctification explains how we become holy.

Following Jesus requires the Holy Spirit

Series: Following Jesus

Following his death and ascension into heaven, the disciples had to learn to follow Christ when Christ wasn’t with them. The same is true for us.

Following Jesus requires prayer

Series: Following Jesus

On the one hand, prayer is one of the easiest things we can do. We simply speak to God our Father. On the other hand, prayer can be a struggle for us. Why?

Following Jesus requires commitment to the church

Series: Following Jesus

The New Testament assumes every believer will want to join the family of God in the local church. In Scripture, the idea of an “individual” Christian is entirely foreign.

Following Jesus requires the Bible

Series: Following Jesus

According to Christ, all of Scripture is about Christ. If we want to follow Jesus, we need the Bible.

Following Jesus requires a life of faith

Series: Following Jesus

For the next three months, I will attempt to answer the question, “How do we follow Jesus?” For some, it’s a refresher course. For others, these lessons will be foundational.