Jeremy Sarber On Life & Scripture
Jeremy Sarber

Is not voting a sin?

The Bible is more concerned with Christ’s kingship than fallen man’s electoral politics. It doesn’t call us to trust in the mechanisms of democracy but in God’s sovereign rule.

The Law, sacrifices, and holiness of God

Series: The Story of Redemption

The Mosaic Covenant is foundational to understanding Israel’s identity as God’s people, their role in redemptive history, and humanity’s need for a Savior.

For Christian couples considering divorce

If you’re a Christian considering divorce, let this truth sink in. Marriage is less about our happiness and more about God’s holiness.

Christianity cannot “COEXIST” with other religions

The COEXIST ideology imagines a world where all belief systems are equally valid paths up the same spiritual mountain. It’s an unrealistic worldview with just enough tolerance to keep the peace but not enough discernment to recognize the truth.

The promise of a people, land, and blessing

Series: The Story of Redemption

God’s promise to bless all the families of the earth through Abraham points beyond Israel’s immediate future to the coming of Christ, who will fulfill the covenant perfectly.

When the sadness doesn’t make sense

David knew this feeling. I can almost picture him pacing the palace, wrestling with the same restlessness, wondering why it all feels wrong when nothing has gone wrong.

The end times are (probably) not what you think

The phrase “last days” isn’t some future-tense, sci-fi scenario. It refers to the here and now, starting from Pentecost and stretching until Christ’s return.

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