Jeremy Sarber On Life & Scripture
Jeremy Sarber

Finding contentment from vacation to vocation

Contentment seems easy to achieve when lying on a warm, sunny beach three thousand miles removed from the daily grind.

Cramped airline seats and one never-ending line through customs aside, God blessed my wife and me with a few days of relaxation in Cancun, Mexico. Jesus offered his disciples sound advice when he said, Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while (Mk 6:31). Though we struggled to leave the kids behind, the trip proved refreshing for both of us.

Cancun from the airplane windowCancun from the airplane window

The view from our balconyThe view from our balcony

Relaxing on the beachRelaxing on the beach

The largest temple at Chichen ItzaThe largest temple at Chichen Itza

Cenote at Hubiku, YucatanCenote at Hubiku, Yucatan

The view from our balcony at nightThe view from our balcony at night

I carried a copy of William Barclay’s The Secret of Contentment and finished it on our last day south of the border. Contentment seems easy to achieve when lying on a warm, sunny beach three thousand miles removed from the daily grind. Now that I’m home again, greeted by gray skies, sub-forty temperatures, and a backlog at work, I realize this is when the book’s lessons are most relevant. Working for the weekend will take us only so far. Lasting peace requires something much more substantial than an occasional vacation in Cancun.

I’m thankful to be back. I’m happy to return to my vocation, routines, home, children, and church. God willing, I’ll also return to writing once I finish preparing for two Sunday school lessons and one sermon. I look forward to it.